I submitted a doodle to Blueprint's blog, Blueline's, for their Doodle Do's post where they would have an expert analyze four doodles and mine was picked.

(I did that doodle during an hour long---felt like days---benefits-changes meeting)
Michelle Dresbold, the expert handwriting analyst and author of Sex, Lies and Handwriting had this to say:
“This doodler is female because her eye has lot of long, full lashes -- a sure sign of feminine flirtation and appreciation of glamour and beauty. The cloud here reveals that this person has an inner self and an outer self that are not always on the same page (so to speak!). For example, the cloud is smiling, but the tear like raindrops make it look like it’s crying. This person, therefore, is probably a combination of happy and sad—putting on a happy face, perhaps, but harboring sadness within.”
Go here to read the full post.
By the way, my stuffing recipe is down there, under the cupcake post...I started it on 11/7 and finished writing it today, but it stayed on that date.
That is so cool they picked you! And the first one on the BluePrint page!
Totally famous!!!!!
Interesting doodle. Is that a purse near the top that is sideways? This means you are obviously a person who loves shopping... for purses. I should be a doodle analyzer. That just sounds funny. Replace one letter and it means something totally different.
doodie analyzer?
Too fun! I wanna be a doodle analyzer! Maybe this could be my calling...?
doodie! Hah!
Bryan L
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