
My day so far...

It's been a rough start people. My husband wakes me up at 5am and asks if I put Lou in the closet with Zoey (our female Boston Terrier) to which I tell him ofcourse not, she's in heat. Not that it worries me; Lou is easily half her size and is still a puppy. I've watched him around her and he has no idea what he's doing. Anyway, we think its extremely odd that he ended up in the closet when he always sleeps in his cage and everyone in our house knows better than to put those two together. Come to find out, our daughter accidentally left his cage open and he climbed out and he must have sneaked in to the closet when my husband let Zoey out to use the bathroom. That's when we realized that Lou really went to town last night. He used the bathroom (1 & 2) all over and vomitted (must have gotten in to some food too) and tore up paper. The part that really makes this hurt me is that we just spent $150 to have our carpets professionally cleaned. We made a trip to Wal-Mart at 5am to pick up carpet cleaners.

So, there's that. Then I get to work and I am starving because I was running late and didn't have breakfast. I walk over to the coffee house next door and I ask if there are any more breakfast tacos. The barista tells me he just ran out and then a patron standing next to me totally laughs in my face, like "ha ha you don't get a taco!" I looked at him with an expression that said "who the hell are you?" and he apologized and said he was being rude. Ya think?


opalessence said...

Haha...you don't get a taco. I could picture it playing out and your expression! Love it!

Unknown said...
