Okay, its finally done. My first ever blog post. I started working on this blog about a week ago, starting with the images and playing around in blogger to learn more. I put off writing my first post because I’m a procrastinator. Just right now I said to myself “Deanna, stop goofing around on the internet and write your first post!!! What is you problem??” So what makes me think I can actually put something out there that people would want to read? Nothing really, except the following: A) Personally, I’ll read anything! B) My friends and family have been suggesting that I do this. If it sucks, I told you so! C) There’s a constant stream of babble that goes thru my head. If I can just transfer that babble to this blog I should never run out of anything to write. :)
So, this blog is all about things I love because I think it’s nicer to talk about positive things that put a smile on your face. But I’m no goody two shoes! (I wonder to myself how long I can keep up the whole “i-heart-blank” premise)
I have lived in Austin all of my life (30 years). I can’t explain to you the love I have for this wonderful city. It’s like a child of mine. It’s that kind of love. Truthfully, my current zip code is not in Austin, but I’m here everyday and live close enough, so it’s like I never left. There’s so much about Austin that I can’t wait to share and to hear from you about what you love.
A little more about me: I’m a mom and wife, I love art, movies, music, design, decorating and cats. I don’t have any cats, so I’ll be talking about Lou, my dog. I have a feeling Lou wants to be the next “internet pet star” (when I read that back to myself I keep replacing pet with porn -- “internet porn star” -- silly me, Lou is not that kind of dog!) Also, at some point I might do a little shameless self-promotion (to be continued).
For fun, and because we all like the pictures, I'll throw in some photos of me and my daughter at Zilker Park (Austin, Texas ofcourse).
My photo (below) was taken at age 15, and its taken in the Oriental section of The Botanical Gardens.
My daughter's photo is in the same place, almost 10 years later (age 4).

So, enough talking…let’s get this started!
i heart long first blogs!
OMG, you're gorgeous @ 15! Well you still are... you look like an art deco painting.
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