It's been a rough start people. My husband wakes me up at 5am and asks if I put Lou in the closet with Zoey (our female Boston Terrier) to which I tell him ofcourse not, she's in heat. Not that it worries me; Lou is easily half her size and is still a puppy. I've watched him around her and he has no idea what he's doing. Anyway, we think its extremely odd that he ended up in the closet when he always sleeps in his cage and everyone in our house knows better than to put those two together. Come to find out, our daughter accidentally left his cage open and he climbed out and he must have sneaked in to the closet when my husband let Zoey out to use the bathroom. That's when we realized that Lou really went to town last night. He used the bathroom (1 & 2) all over and vomitted (must have gotten in to some food too) and tore up paper. The part that really makes this hurt me is that we just spent $150 to have our carpets professionally cleaned. We made a trip to Wal-Mart at 5am to pick up carpet cleaners.
So, there's that. Then I get to work and I am starving because I was running late and didn't have breakfast. I walk over to the coffee house next door and I ask if there are any more breakfast tacos. The barista tells me he just ran out and then a patron standing next to me totally laughs in my face, like "ha ha you don't get a taco!" I looked at him with an expression that said "who the hell are you?" and he apologized and said he was being rude. Ya think?
I-Heart-Midwest Modern
I was so excited to see "Midwest Modern" designer Amy Butler in the latest issue of Blueprint Magazine. If you aren't familiar with her already, Amy Butler designs fabrics, stationery, paper crafts, sewing patterns, and has written books on how to create her Midwest Modern aesthetic. Her fabrics and designs are simply gorgeous. The way she uses color and pattern is unlike any one else.

In the picture above (photo is cropped so I wouldn't spoil it for any Blueprint readers) Amy has presents wrapped in her fabric. At first I thought "that would be some expensive gift wrap," however, and as the article suggests, wrapping presents in fabric is a great gift idea for someone who likes to sew (hello?!). They can reuse the fabric for their own sewing projects or reuse it to wrap another gift (thus saving paper). Amy Butler's and similar designer fabrics are quite reasonable in cost ($9/yd. avg), but you don't need a full yard for most gifts. A "fat quarter " (avg size 18x22) would probably cover most gifts and is a great size for small projects, like coasters or a pin cushion.

Amy Butler in her studio. Photo taken from her website.

In the picture above (photo is cropped so I wouldn't spoil it for any Blueprint readers) Amy has presents wrapped in her fabric. At first I thought "that would be some expensive gift wrap," however, and as the article suggests, wrapping presents in fabric is a great gift idea for someone who likes to sew (hello?!). They can reuse the fabric for their own sewing projects or reuse it to wrap another gift (thus saving paper). Amy Butler's and similar designer fabrics are quite reasonable in cost ($9/yd. avg), but you don't need a full yard for most gifts. A "fat quarter " (avg size 18x22) would probably cover most gifts and is a great size for small projects, like coasters or a pin cushion.

Amy Butler in her studio. Photo taken from her website.
Don’t Stop Believin’
Just like everyone else, I hate dragging my butt to work on Monday morning. Luckily, for me (and anyone else listening this morning around 8am) KVRX (Gin & Tonic program) played the most hilarious/ingenious cover of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” that has left me with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Petra Haden’s cover of Don’t Stop Believin’ is all a cappella and uses voices as instruments, very much like Bjork’s Medulla album, yet in the vein of the Dan Band’s cover of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” in the movie Old School. The song is one of many awesome covers on the recently released album titled Guilt by Association (various artists, on Engine Room records) and features (covers by) indie musicians & bands, like Devendra Banhart, Superchunk and Luna. They cite High School Musical, Mariah Carey and Paula Abdul as some of their cover influences. You can listen to the “Don’t Stop Believin’” cover on GbA's myspace page.

“Lets all wallow in our guilt and enjoy these remembered gems, indie-style.” -GbA

“Lets all wallow in our guilt and enjoy these remembered gems, indie-style.” -GbA
You talkin' to me?
Last post of the day because the weather is OMG! FABULOUS!
I feel like posting this picture of Robert De Niro (as Travis Bickle) in Taxi Driver (1976). Because I like it.
I-Heart-Saving $$
I was raised to be a thrifty shopper, which is why I love my Borders Rewards card. If you don't have one, you should definitely read this post. (I'm really not trying to sound like an advertisement!) So, you sign up for this free card (it's really easy to do) and every week they send you a new in-store coupon to be used on one item of your choosing, it could be books, DVD's, stationery, CD's, etc. The coupons are good too, ranging between 20-30% off (there are certain restrictions, but they are minimal). There's some other perks too, but mainly I just want the coupon. Even if you prefer to borrow your books, maybe you'd like to save some money on a pricey DVD box set or pick up a lovely journal as a gift? The Borders I go to has an awesome Paperchase section with products ranging from gift wrap, to overnight bags and Borders is one of the only places I have been able to find Paperchase products. If you aren't familiar with Paperchase this is what they have to say about themselves: "Paperchase is the undisputed retail brand leader in design led and innovative stationery in the UK." Um, okay!
Here are some adorable Paperchase items you might find.

I think I will get that overnight bag next time!

Weird looking monster dolls are popular these days.

This tea set is so cheery.
Do you have any money-saving ideas you'd like to share? Leave a comment!
Here are some adorable Paperchase items you might find.

I think I will get that overnight bag next time!

Weird looking monster dolls are popular these days.

This tea set is so cheery.
Do you have any money-saving ideas you'd like to share? Leave a comment!
Love for Austin

Austin does quite well in Travel & Leisure's "America's Favorite Cities 2007" report. The report ranks 25 cities across the U.S. in categories like overall characteristics, people, food & dining and much more. I was surprised to learn which city was named the best for museums and clubbing because I thought NYC would rank #1 in both categories. However, I was not surprised to learn that Austin ranked #1 for barbecue! Full article here.
I admit - looking at a pretty font makes me swoon. There was a time when I would spend hours on the internet looking for free fonts. Then I would like to type random words with my new fonts and see the pretty text take shape in front of me. I might be alone with this odd fascination, but if you like the font I used above you can find it here and here for free. If you go to the sites I linked and the font is no longer available or free, then search for KELLY BROWN font.
New at IKEA
I just received the IKEA October 2007 News online catalog

Found some stuff I really love...
I think I've seen some of that fabric before, but I do love this page layout -- and yes, I'm feeling "inspired." If you couldn't already tell, dark blue and gold is my favorite color combo! I want all of that fabric. I'm a bit fabric obsessed as it is.
We're about to redecorate my daughter's room -- pink flowers and butterflies are too juvenile for her (almost) grown up taste (she's almost 12). I think this bed is perfect for kids and the price is reasonable too. Or I could see it working great in a tiny guest bedroom that has no space for a dresser. The storage unit would be great for a crafts room too. I'm getting so many ideas...
Bed $249
Bedside table $39.99
Bed $249
Bedside table $39.99
Get more "youth" ideas here
These glossy lamps are super sexy.
KULLA series
Table, pendant and floor lamps
$49.99 to $89.99
Table, pendant and floor lamps
$49.99 to $89.99
Lou likes TV
I-Heart-Comfort Food
For those days when you aren't counting calories...

I unabashedly admit that my chicken pot pie is freakin' awesome! By no means would I call myself a chef, but it's my husbands favorite food and I learned to make it especially for him. I managed to come up with this recipe through trial and error. I usually cook with the freshest ingredients possible, but the addition of a few pre-made food items really saves time, and otherwise would prevent me from being able to make this dish. I learned that using deli meat does not taste very good. It's too salty and the texture is wrong. Also, I tried cream of celery and cream of chicken canned soups and they were either too salty or too rich. I think the addition of cheese adds just the right amount richness without being too much. I never cook with frozen veggies, so that was never an option, and I don't use peas in this recipe because I don't like them. However, add fresh peas if you like them and/or sauteed mushrooms would also be really good. I'd say this dish takes about 1 hr to 1 hr 15 minutes to prepare and cook and serves about 6.
Food ingredients:
1-lb chicken breast, cut into inch sized chunks
1-family size can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1-package of ready to cook pie crust (I like Pillsbury)
2-stalks of celery, chopped about half an inch thick
2-carrots, peeled, and chopped at 1/4 inch thick
1-half of a small onion
3/4 cup of shredded monterrey jack cheese
season as you prefer
butter or margarine for sauteing veggies and chicken (it makes the dish taste much better, but if you prefer oil, I recommend extra virgin olive oil)
Other: pie dish and large cooking pan
Preheat oven to 425 or 450. The food is cooked, you're just cooking the crust by the time this goes in the oven. I've played with the temp depending on how much time I have on my hands.
Chop up the vegetables and saute in a dollop of butter (do the carrots first so you can get them sauteing before the other veggies).
Once all veggies are cooked remove from the pan to a separate bowl. Then, using another dollop of butter, saute the chicken until cooked thoroughly. I don't cook the veggies and chicken together because the flavor tends to taste watered-down. Once the chicken is cooked, turn off the heat, add the cooked veggies back to the pan and add the can of soup. Mix all ingredients well, then add your cheese and mix well. Put your pre-made pie crust in the pie dish, fill with the mixture.

Add the top of the crust (don't forget to add slits for venting). Put in the oven for about 45 minutes, depending on the temperature and cook until the top of the crust is golden brown. This also tastes really good as leftovers because the flavors have a chance to become friends and sometimes I serve with mashed potatoes (the ultimate comfort food!!). Also, you can prepare this dish the night before and store in the fridge. Don't forget to make it with really makes a difference.
Enjoy! :)
I unabashedly admit that my chicken pot pie is freakin' awesome! By no means would I call myself a chef, but it's my husbands favorite food and I learned to make it especially for him. I managed to come up with this recipe through trial and error. I usually cook with the freshest ingredients possible, but the addition of a few pre-made food items really saves time, and otherwise would prevent me from being able to make this dish. I learned that using deli meat does not taste very good. It's too salty and the texture is wrong. Also, I tried cream of celery and cream of chicken canned soups and they were either too salty or too rich. I think the addition of cheese adds just the right amount richness without being too much. I never cook with frozen veggies, so that was never an option, and I don't use peas in this recipe because I don't like them. However, add fresh peas if you like them and/or sauteed mushrooms would also be really good. I'd say this dish takes about 1 hr to 1 hr 15 minutes to prepare and cook and serves about 6.
Food ingredients:
1-lb chicken breast, cut into inch sized chunks
1-family size can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1-package of ready to cook pie crust (I like Pillsbury)
2-stalks of celery, chopped about half an inch thick
2-carrots, peeled, and chopped at 1/4 inch thick
1-half of a small onion
3/4 cup of shredded monterrey jack cheese
season as you prefer
butter or margarine for sauteing veggies and chicken (it makes the dish taste much better, but if you prefer oil, I recommend extra virgin olive oil)
Other: pie dish and large cooking pan
Preheat oven to 425 or 450. The food is cooked, you're just cooking the crust by the time this goes in the oven. I've played with the temp depending on how much time I have on my hands.
Chop up the vegetables and saute in a dollop of butter (do the carrots first so you can get them sauteing before the other veggies).
Once all veggies are cooked remove from the pan to a separate bowl. Then, using another dollop of butter, saute the chicken until cooked thoroughly. I don't cook the veggies and chicken together because the flavor tends to taste watered-down. Once the chicken is cooked, turn off the heat, add the cooked veggies back to the pan and add the can of soup. Mix all ingredients well, then add your cheese and mix well. Put your pre-made pie crust in the pie dish, fill with the mixture.
Add the top of the crust (don't forget to add slits for venting). Put in the oven for about 45 minutes, depending on the temperature and cook until the top of the crust is golden brown. This also tastes really good as leftovers because the flavors have a chance to become friends and sometimes I serve with mashed potatoes (the ultimate comfort food!!). Also, you can prepare this dish the night before and store in the fridge. Don't forget to make it with really makes a difference.
Enjoy! :)
Listening to…

Weirdly, this time of the year is the only time I can listen to The Cranberries. As dumbs as this sounds, maybe it’s subliminal because cranberries are now in season, or maybe because I started listening to this album during this time of year, 11th grade. Abstractly, this album feels very Fall, I guess…whatever that means. It’s hard to translate.
I-Heart-My First Post!
I must start off by apologizing for this first post being kind of long. I personally don’t like to read long blogs because I like the pictures, but I feel I need to give the reader more a little background info.
Okay, its finally done. My first ever blog post. I started working on this blog about a week ago, starting with the images and playing around in blogger to learn more. I put off writing my first post because I’m a procrastinator. Just right now I said to myself “Deanna, stop goofing around on the internet and write your first post!!! What is you problem??” So what makes me think I can actually put something out there that people would want to read? Nothing really, except the following: A) Personally, I’ll read anything! B) My friends and family have been suggesting that I do this. If it sucks, I told you so! C) There’s a constant stream of babble that goes thru my head. If I can just transfer that babble to this blog I should never run out of anything to write. :)
So, this blog is all about things I love because I think it’s nicer to talk about positive things that put a smile on your face. But I’m no goody two shoes! (I wonder to myself how long I can keep up the whole “i-heart-blank” premise)
I have lived in Austin all of my life (30 years). I can’t explain to you the love I have for this wonderful city. It’s like a child of mine. It’s that kind of love. Truthfully, my current zip code is not in Austin, but I’m here everyday and live close enough, so it’s like I never left. There’s so much about Austin that I can’t wait to share and to hear from you about what you love.
A little more about me: I’m a mom and wife, I love art, movies, music, design, decorating and cats. I don’t have any cats, so I’ll be talking about Lou, my dog. I have a feeling Lou wants to be the next “internet pet star” (when I read that back to myself I keep replacing pet with porn -- “internet porn star” -- silly me, Lou is not that kind of dog!) Also, at some point I might do a little shameless self-promotion (to be continued).

Okay, its finally done. My first ever blog post. I started working on this blog about a week ago, starting with the images and playing around in blogger to learn more. I put off writing my first post because I’m a procrastinator. Just right now I said to myself “Deanna, stop goofing around on the internet and write your first post!!! What is you problem??” So what makes me think I can actually put something out there that people would want to read? Nothing really, except the following: A) Personally, I’ll read anything! B) My friends and family have been suggesting that I do this. If it sucks, I told you so! C) There’s a constant stream of babble that goes thru my head. If I can just transfer that babble to this blog I should never run out of anything to write. :)
So, this blog is all about things I love because I think it’s nicer to talk about positive things that put a smile on your face. But I’m no goody two shoes! (I wonder to myself how long I can keep up the whole “i-heart-blank” premise)
I have lived in Austin all of my life (30 years). I can’t explain to you the love I have for this wonderful city. It’s like a child of mine. It’s that kind of love. Truthfully, my current zip code is not in Austin, but I’m here everyday and live close enough, so it’s like I never left. There’s so much about Austin that I can’t wait to share and to hear from you about what you love.
A little more about me: I’m a mom and wife, I love art, movies, music, design, decorating and cats. I don’t have any cats, so I’ll be talking about Lou, my dog. I have a feeling Lou wants to be the next “internet pet star” (when I read that back to myself I keep replacing pet with porn -- “internet porn star” -- silly me, Lou is not that kind of dog!) Also, at some point I might do a little shameless self-promotion (to be continued).
For fun, and because we all like the pictures, I'll throw in some photos of me and my daughter at Zilker Park (Austin, Texas ofcourse).
My photo (below) was taken at age 15, and its taken in the Oriental section of The Botanical Gardens.
My daughter's photo is in the same place, almost 10 years later (age 4).

So, enough talking…let’s get this started!