About Choke...
I was not disapointed in the movie at all. It's off-beat, raunchy, twisted, dark and funny. You could use those same adjectives to describe a movie like Super Bad, but it's completely different because Choke feels more like "real life." If you are expecting anything like Fight Club you may be disappointed because Choke couldn't be more different. But why waste time comparing the two movies? I'd guess that the average "100 million dollar blockbuster-style" movie-goer would not like Choke and basically that's because it definitely has that indie flick vibe (low budget, shot in 3 weeks) and a lot of on-screen sex, but if you've read the book you're expecting it. The acting is terrific - from Sam Rockwell and Anjelica Houston to the random old ladies at the mental hospital that I thought were adorable (but I kind of have a soft spot for old people). In a weird way it was kind of a lovable movie and it kept me laughing the whole time (just like the book).
Movies I am looking forward to seeing...hopefully this weekend!!
Director, Larry Charles (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Borat)
Writer, Bill Maher
Documentary: Bill Maher's take on the current state of world religion.
Burn After Reading
Directors, the Coen brothers
Comedy: A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Frances McDormand, George Clooney
so, um, hi there...
Wow. So it's been awhile, huh? How have you been? Me, oh, just fine. I got ROCKBAND (Wii) for my birthday...I kind of play it a lot. Sometimes I sew...like the other day I made some rad curtains for my living room out of this fabric:

When I get around to making the matching rad pillows I'll share some pics. I also have a kid in middle school who's in, like, a trillion different activities so that keeps me busy. Oh yea, I get to go see a sneak preview of Choke tonight courtesy of my friend, Tony. I hear it's really good (7 out of 10 stars on IMDB). It won the Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, and was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize.

"A sex-addicted con-man pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death."
Choke, the movie, is based on the book by Chuck Palahniuk (my FAVE author). Chuck also wrote Fight Club. I hear some of his other novels are in production, Survivor (my #1), Invisible Monsters and Rant (which was just released a little over a year ago).
Today I started back on my work-out routine. I don't know why, but the very second I leave the gym I want to eat an entire cake...and I NEVER crave sweets. I guess I'll eat that orange I brought with me to work. yay.
I'll let ya know tomorrow what I think about this movie. toodles.